This page links to several societies which hold events in and around Oxford relevant to Materials Science. Please contact the with any suggested additions.
Materials Society
Undergraduate students run their own university club called the Materials Society.
The Society’s objectives are:
a ) to promote Materials Science amongst the Society’s members and within the University,
b ) to support members of the Society with their study of Materials Science where possible,
c ) to increase awareness of career paths leading from the study of Materials Science.
d ) to organise social activities for the members of the Society.
Oxford Materials Society
The local regional branch of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) is called the Oxford Materials Society.
OMS organises general interest lectures on specified Tuesdays at 6.30pm. These lectures cover a variety of topics from Chocolate Manufacture to Car Crash Testing, or Nuclear Energy to Forensic Science, such is the breadth and relevance of Materials Science. The meetings are open to all and we particularly encourage industrialists, researchers and undergraduate students to attend to hear the talks from experts in the field.
Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) is the national professional body covering Materials, as well as Minerals, Mining and packaging. The IOM3 aims to be the leading professional body for the advancement of materials, minerals and mining to governments, industry, academia, the public and the professions. The Institute is located at 1 Carlton House Terrace, London. Both our undergraduate degree programmes (MS and MSM) are accredited by the IOM3 on behalf of the UK Engineering Council.
Also see
IOM3 Introductory Talk (Boad, 2018) under skills training.