

All Part II students are required to present a short talk on their project in early Trinity Term. Students who are conducting their Part II projects outside Oxford must return to Oxford by the beginning of Trinity Term. The sole purpose of these talks is to give students experience in oral presentations. The talks do NOT form part of the assessment of the Part II project. A course on presentation skills is available to Postgraduate and Part II students during Hilary Term, and all Part II students are strongly advised to attend.

A prize is awarded by the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers for the best talk. The prize is a cheque for £450 and a medal. Representatives from the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers are invited to attend the talks and assist in the judgement of the best talk.

The talk should be aimed at non-specialist scientists. It should include a brief description of the engineering relevance of your project.

You will receive brief, confidential, feedback about your talk from the Part II Project Organiser.

Past Prize Winners are listed under Student Prizes

PDF Schedule of Presentations 2022

PDF Schedule of Presentations 2021 (Optional)

[There were no Part II Presentations in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic]

PDF Schedule of Presentations 2019

PDF Schedule of Presentations 2018

PDF Schedule of Presentations 2017