Culham Materials Research Facility

MR Interior

The new Materials Research Facility of the UK Atomic Energy Authority (which at the Culham site also houses the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy) has been completed and will soon start commissioning for active operations.  As part of the National Nuclear User Facility, the MRF is a completely new user-oriented facility that will provide academic and industrial users - both in fission and fusion - with easily accessible equipment for the processing and characterisation of radioactive materials. Specimens can be prepared and studied on-site; alternatively, the preparation facilities can be used for making specimens for research in the user's own lab.

PDF MRF brochure

The new 2150m2 facility will soon be able to offer hot cells for processing and analysis of neutron-irradiated material. Meanwhile, the following are available for use on non-active or low-activity samples:

For more information and to apply to use the facilities, contact:

The MRF has been developed in close collaboration with the Department of Materials at Oxford, primarily due to the Materials for Fission and Fusion activities of Professor Steve Roberts and many colleagues.

UK Atomic Energy Authority

UK Atomic Energy Authority
