The Anti-Racism Ally Network

Many hands united

The University's Anti-Racism Ally Network is part of the BME Staff Network, which aims to create a supportive community to tackle systemic racism at the University of Oxford.  It is a proactive network - if you would like to join, you will be very welcome - please click on this link to find out more:

As the Anti-Racism Ally Network states in its first Newsletter (Trinity Term 2021), being a white ally is not a self-promotion tool to gain status as a 'good' or 'innocent' person, but instead a commitment to proactive support and tackling ignorance.  

A very simple first step to becoming a proactive ally is to access the free online training course 'Tackling race bias at work'; it will help participants to better understand racism in the workplace, and to make key changes to tackle racism and race bias.  To engage with the training, you will need to use your SSO (Single Sign On) and search for 'Tackling race bias at work' on CoSY.

What can we do in the department to improve, and to make our spaces safe, welcoming, fair and free from prejudice?  Tell us what you think - we are always keen to hear your views and suggestions.  Please feel free to email us in confidence:

Schematic of the stages of proactive allyship