Interface and Electronic Materials Laboratory
Energy Materials Interfaces Group
The Nicholls Group
The global pursuit of sustainable energy solutions has fuelled rapid advancements in solar energy technology. One critical aspect of enhancing solar cell performance is the efficient transport of charge carriers within the device. This project aims to investigate and understand the charge transport layers in advanced solar energy devices using cutting-edge spectroscopy techniques. By gaining insights into the charge transport mechanisms, this research contributes to developing more efficient and cost-effective solar energy technologies. The project involves learning and understanding spectroscopy techniques such as photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray absorption and electron energy loss spectroscopies, and impedance spectroscopy. The student will then combine the techniques to elucidate the chemical and electronic properties of the interfaces between charge transport layers and solar light absorbers. Characterisation will involve the charge transport materials used in advanced solar energy devices, including silicon and perovskite cells. The dynamics of charge carriers within these transport layers will be studied alongside the chemical structure to link them together and enable rational materials design and processing. The project will require hands-on fabrication and processing of materials, as well as the acquisition and analysis of spectroscopy data to extract meaningful insights. By investigating the impact of interfaces between different charge transport layers on device performance, we aim to create strategies for interface engineering to improve charge transport and reduce losses. The project offers an exciting opportunity to delve into the intricacies of spectroscopy characterisation techniques exploited for understanding charge transport within solar cells. By combining spectroscopy expertise with materials characterisation and device optimisation, this research aims to drive innovation in solar energy technology. The project's outcomes will contribute to developing more efficient and sustainable solar energy solutions, thereby advancing the global transition to clean and renewable energy sources.